The process of creating my work is implicitly conditioned by my own status as a woman and an immigrant, and the continuous action-reaction of my identity in a new context. A constant contradiction between the awareness of my identity and the abandonment of a part of that experimential baggage so that new possibilities can be reborn.
When I have the opportunity to travel, sometimes I only discover deserts full of isolated and solitary people. Even then, I can never resist the temptation and curiosity to continue exploring. I appeal to my perception and my own story to create characters stripped of magical ideals, in surreal worlds which, out of context, surprise by being absurd and profound at the same time.
I think that written and spoken expression in any language is not enough to explain and communicate the complexity of our perception. So I feel the need to express, through my creatures and their worlds, my vision of human fragility in this reality, which is so often overwhelming, trying to explore new means of communication and using pictorial language that is constantly changing.
I seek to express my ideas by experimenting with traditional pictorial techniques and digital painting. I generally like to start my sketches using pencil and ink, adding volume with watercolours and interweaving to create textures. This methodology helps me create a material connection between the support and conceptualization of the idea, which makes me feel very close to my characters and their scenarios. My exploration with different techniques and materials is related to my opposition to dissatisfaction and tedium. It is that motivation that propels my constant search for different painting techniques and options.